You and Me Suites

Thira, Hellas Flagget til Hellas

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  • Flyplass Santorini (JTR): 7.2 km (13 mins)
  • AirConditioning
  • Balcony
  • Television
  • Safetybox

Gjesters vurdering

| 4,7/5
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Om hotellet

Located at the scenic Firostefani, a few minutes from the cosmopolitan Fira, the brand new You and Me Suites showcase a charming blend of the boho-chic style with the traditional Cycladic architecture, offering a sophisticated ambiance to unwind and enjoy a wonderful accommodation experience. With unhindered vistas over the Caldera and the iconic Santorini sunset, the exclusive suites are an ideal laid-back luxury shelter for your intimate moments, in one of the most idyllic settlements in Santorini.


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