Pnoe Breathing Life

Iráklio, Hellas Flagget til Hellas

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  • Bar
  • Spa
  • Flyplass Kreta/Heraklion (HER): 6.2 km (8 mins)

Om hotellet

Pnoé Breathing Life is a debut hotel concept offering an all-new hospitality experience. Centered around wellness, Pnoé emerges as a space for inner and outer journeys: a place to reconnect with yourself and the world around you. Created with consciousness at heart, designed with the modern traveler in mind, Pnoé is a fusion of luxury and pure living. The concept for Pnoé came in response to a shift in our global consciousness regarding travel. People now search for experience, for community, for meaningful travel with a true immersion into location. The isolated, abstracted model of resorts is now outdated. Now more than ever, travelers want connection. Pnoé provides. Timely, holistic and experiential, Pnoé symbolizes a new chapter of high-end hospitality. ‘Pnoé’ translates to ‘breath’ in Greek, representing the air of life, vitality and presence. Thus, the brand’s elemental inspiration incorporates themes of nature, inner peace and energy. Pnoé resort arise in synergy with the surrounding environment, allowing guests to blur the boundaries between indoor and outdoor living. This organic, ‘back-to-basics’ approach is accompanied by five-star design and contemporary amenities. With one foot in the natural, one in the luxurious, Pnoé unites the best of both.


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