Elounda Solfez Villas

Elounda, Hellas Flagget til Hellas

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  • Svømmebasseng
  • Flyplass Kreta/Heraklion (HER): 66.0 km (57 mins)
  • Flyplass Kreta/Chania (CHQ): 214 km (3 hours 2 mins)

Gjesters vurdering

| 4,9/5
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Om hotellet

Elounda Solfez Villas are self catering vacation rentals, located in Elounda, in Eastern Crete, Greece. Arranged on a hill, as on a music pentagram, they offer mesmerizing views over Elounda, Mirabello Bay and the Sea of Crete.

Hotel Information

At day break the sunlight beams will gently caress you out of Morpheus (God of Sleep) Land and lead you for a refreshing swim in the privacy of your pool, before enjoying your breakfast with natural Cretan Diet products and be filled with energy for the rest of your day.

When the Sun is going down, it paints red the distant Sitia Mountains (Eastern end of Crete), offering you a mind exploring visual experience, while you indulge in a glass of a ruby red Cretan wine at your terrace.

From Dusk till Dawn, it's your Quality Time...

Elounda Solfez Villas are self catering accommodation in Elounda, Crete, Greece. They were built late in 2009, in a traditional style and combine bright earthly colors with natural stone (the local stone of Elounda, collected during the building excavations), handcrafted by local and foreign craftsmen.

They are equipped to a high standard with all contemporary amenities, offering a comfortable setting for our Guests.


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