Crowne Plaza Istanbul Tuzla Viaport Marina

Istanbul, Tyrkia Flagget til Tyrkia

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  • Restaurant
  • Treningsrom
  • Flyplass Istanbul Atatürk (IST): 58.4 km (1 hour 2 mins)
  • Flyplass Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen (SAW): 18.8 km (21 mins)

Gjesters vurdering

| 4,7/5
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Om hotellet

The distance from the hotel to SAW is 20 km to reach Istanbul city center you can opt for metro or trains, Pendik Metro Station is a twelve-minute drive from the hotel and Tuzla Train Station is about six minutes away. Take a ferry across the Bosphorus to discover attractions like Hagia Sophia, Topkapi museums, Blue Mosque. Enjoy our life center which has an open-air Aquapark, Aquarium, Lion Park, Theme Park which has the fastest Rolling Coster in Turkey, a Game Center, and shopping mall with luxury brands within walking distance of our hotel. You will enjoy our fitness center during your stay; you can easily keep up with your exercise routine. End the day with an exquisite Turkish meal or international delicacy at one of our two restaurants, the Hunger main Restaurant, and the Belvedere A La Carte Restaurant.


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